
Football team AZMOL British Petrochemicals: 10 years of success and victories

10:45 | 25.02.2021

The company AZMOL British Petrochemicals has been actively involved in the sports life of the city for many years. Discipline, strength, endurance and health are the key to winning not only in sports, but also in everyday life. That is why the company supports the Berdyansk karate club "Kime", the basketball club" Chaika " and the youth football club. AZMOL also has its own football team, which pleases fans with spectacular games and constant victories. Almost the entire team consists of employees of the enterprise, who adequately represent it on the football field.

This year, the team of the same name "Azmol" has an anniversary — it turns 10 years old, four of which players are united under the name "Azmol". During this time, a lot has changed: someone left the team, newcomers came, experienced players honed their skills and technique of the game, but something has remained unchanged - this is the will to win, the desire to be the best and always the first.

Over the years of training and games, "Azmol" has won many victories. 5 times the team was the first in futsal, 3 times in the Berdyansk city championship and twice the cup winner. At the same time, championship medals are not so easy to get. Beating all the teams, being better, faster than the rest is a difficult task, but the players are not used to giving up.

"Azmol" showed some of the best results during the city championship. Thanks to a strong team and worthy opponents, each championship turns into an exciting sports spectacle.

Every year the sports spirit of the team grows stronger, the skill grows, and with it the number of victories.

All the achievements of the players are the result of regular and difficult training. Twice a week, all the players get together in the city sports palace to hone their skills, train endurance and agility under the strict guidance of the playing coach Anton Vinnik.

A strong team always adequately represents the company at city competitions and AZMOL British Petrochemicals provides support in all possible aspects. The company provides a transfer, equipment, a place for training, and, of course, rewards for players for victories.

A series of winning games, the championship in the city championship, receiving cups entailed ambitious plans. In 2021, the team plans to go to the championship of the Donetsk region in futsal, the championship of the Zaporozhye region in football and, of course, plans to play in the Amateur league of Ukraine in football.

Sport is not just a good physical form, it is discipline, concentration, self-control, ambition and the desire to be the best. That is why Herman Gorovoy, the goalkeeper of the team, had the idea to create a youth sports school where all interested children can train and play football:

“I know how important it is to instill in children a love of sports, because it will be useful for them not only on the field, but also in life. In addition, training will have a great effect on the health of children, they just need to move, be active. There are not many places in Berdyansk , where could the parents take the children to play football. I would really like to change that. What if the future star of world football will grow up in our youth sports school? " - said German Gorovoy.

A huge number of Berdyans are watching the battles on the football field. The stands are always filled with fans shouting out the names of their favorite teams, and it is a real pride for AZMOL British Petrochemicals to hear the loudest "Azmol".