
АZMOL British Petrochemical виступив партнером Всеукраїнської конференції «День логіста»

В Києві відбулась щорічна, 26-та за рахунком, Всеукраїнська конференція «День Логіста» - Головна подія року для вітчизняних фахівців з логістики. Це єдина в Україні щорічна спеціалізована зустріч для професіоналів логістики та суміжних галузей.

На ній зібралися понад 350 топ-менеджерів та

17:06 | 07.12.2021

AZMOL delivers AdBlue® to South Korea and Europe

AZMOL delivers AdBlue® to South Korea and Europe
With reference of rising natural gas prices, global European and Asian delivery companies are experiencing critical deficiency of AdBlue® reagent.
AZMOL-BP is a licensed Ukrainian manufacturer of AdBlue® by German association VDA (Verband der

15:28 | 30.11.2021

Б. Луцький – першопрохідник моторобудування

 Борис Григорович – відомий механік-конструктор, винахідник та геній машинобудування. Народився у місті Бердянськ у 1865 році.
Створював унікальні моделі наземних, повітряних та водних транспортних засобів. Ще в студентські роки Луцький став одним з найперспективніших розробників газових двигунів

09:08 | 17.11.2021

Поздравления с Днём инженера-механика от команды AZMOL-BP!

Ежегодно 30 октября Украина отмечает День инженера-механика!
Команда "Азмол" поздравляет всех инженеров-механиков с профессиональным праздником!

В честь этого события, мы приготовили вам особый подарок - фильм о Борисе Луцком, нашем соотечественнике и великом изобретателе-конструкторе!
Фильм о

10:00 | 30.10.2021

AZMOL-BP: пять лет под британским флагом

В 2016 году завод АЗМОЛ был оценен как 13 тысяч тонн металлолома. Предприятие, еще недавно выступавшее партнером Castrol, лежало в руинах. Инвестировать в развитие производства и создание бренда смазочных материалов новые владельцы решились с появлением британского партнера, обладающего

16:47 | 07.10.2021

AZMOL-BP Claims 8% of Ukraine Market

In the past few years, Ukrainian lube maker Azmol-British Petrochemicals has focused on replacing imported products used in the modern automobiles and industrial equipment. Officials claim that the strategy is helping the company grow at double-digit rates, so they intend to keep following it to a

17:09 | 04.10.2021

AZMOL Industrial Forum: 5 лет достижений по британским технологиям

9-10 сентября в Бердянске состоялся международный AZMOL Industrial forum 2021, на котором собралось более 150 представителей ведущих промышленных предприятий и торговых компаний из 20-ти стран мира. Организатором мероприятия выступил лидер смазочной отрасли Украины AZMOL British Petrochemicals.

09:47 | 24.09.2021

Инвестор Azmol-BP: «Мы занимаем 7-8% украинского рынка»

В 2016 году нефтехимический завод «Азмол» в Бердянске Запорожской области привлек британского химика Терри Диккена к модернизации предприятия. Под его руководством здесь обновили технологии производства и расширили линейку продукции. Теперь это украинско-британское

08:53 | 24.09.2021

За пять лет AZMOL-BP успешно провел более 200 промышленных испытаний на ведущих украинских предприятиях

Украинско-британский производитель смазочных материалов AZMOL British Petrochemicals за пять лет работы провел более 200 промышленных испытаний на ведущих украинских предприятиях. Все проекты закончились подписанием договоров на поставку продукции AZMOL. Об этом заявил руководитель сервисной службы

16:16 | 23.09.2021

AZMOL BP has successfully passed ISO 9001 recertification

Ukrainian-British project AZMOL British Petrochemicals passed a recertification audit of the quality management system for compliance with ISO 9001 standard and received a certificate for three years - until July 2024. The audit was carried out by the Kharkiv office of International Technical

12:55 | 14.07.2021

Football team AZMOL British Petrochemicals: 10 years of success and victories

The company AZMOL British Petrochemicals has been actively involved in the sports life of the city for many years. Discipline, strength, endurance and health are the key to winning not only in sports, but also in everyday life. That is why the company supports the Berdyansk karate club "Kime", the

10:45 | 25.02.2021

AZMOL British Petrochemicals реализовал масштабный образовательный проект: «АГРОВЕСНА-2021»

С 26 января по 10 февраля AZMOL British Petrochemicals совместно с производителем сельскохозяйственной техники JOHN GREAVES и заводом турбокомпрессоров «ТУРБОКОМ» реализовали масштабный образовательный проект «АГРОВЕСНА-2021».

В рамках проекта технические специалисты компаний-партнеров

18:03 | 15.02.2021

Undisputed leadership, proven by time: results of 2020 of AZMOL BP

2020 began for our company with a large-scale conference "AZMOL 2020: The concept of leadership in each segment", which highlighted the company's success in 2019 and strategic development plans for 2020. Every day, step by step, the company developed and became better, expanding the production

16:40 | 30.12.2020

Azmol BP became a sponsor of the Ukrainian national handball team. Know ours!

The selection for the 2022 European Handball Championship has started. Participation in competitions of this level is a chance for the Ukrainian team to adequately represent our country in the international arena. Azmol BP has been supporting the development of sports in Berdyansk for many years,

19:35 | 06.11.2020

SPORT’S SPIRIT OF AZMOL British Petrochemicals

AZMOL British Petrochemicals has been supporting the development of sports in Berdyansk for many years. Football, children and adults, children and youth sports school, karate club "Kime", Berdyansk sports society "Spartak" - at the competitions and matches of these athletes, representatives of

09:46 | 01.11.2020

Shoulder to shoulder: AZMOL BP supports every driver

Every year, on the last Sunday of October, motorist's Day is celebrated. This is another opportunity for AZMOL BP to Express its respect and, of course, to congratulate everyone involved on this wonderful holiday.

Taking care of motorists is the main goal of Azmol British Petrochemicals, and it

09:00 | 25.10.2020

В микрорайоне Колония обустроен новый сквер – любимый уголок жителей

17 октября в микрорайоне Колония-Макорты торжественно презентовали жителям обновленный сквер – зеленая зона обрела современный вид в рамках социального проекта AZMOL BP “Любимые уголки Бердянска”, и снова станет любимым местом досуга жителей.

Жители Колонии и ближних микрорайонов с радостью

19:05 | 19.10.2020

AZMOL BP invites you to a tour!

AZMOL BP holds Open Doors Days! Waiting for you!
In honor of the opening of an international research center and the launch of new workshops, AZMOL BP invites everyone to visit the enterprise and see with their own eyes how world-class products are made. Come! This is exactly the case when it is

12:31 | 19.10.2020

Любимые уголки Бердянска преображаются благодаря AZMOL BP

В июле 2020 года стартовал очередной социальный проект AZMOL BP “Любимые уголки Бердянска”, в рамках которого предприятие приступило к облагораживанию парков, скверов, любимых мест отдыха горожан в разных микрорайонах Бердянска. 
Первый участок работ - сквер у проходной завода Азмол.

12:23 | 19.10.2020

AZMOL BP engine oils are now in the network of WOG filling stations

Azmol British Petrochemicals is the largest manufacturer of motor oils in Ukraine. The enterprise located in the city of Berdyansk manufactures products according to modern European standards and technologies from first-class imported base oils and additives. AZMOL BP engine oils are supplied to

09:31 | 06.10.2020

A win-win lottery for birthday people from AZMOL BP in honor of the City Day!

On September 17 from 16.00 to 19.00 in the children's park near the Azmol plant everyone who was born on the same day as Berdyansk, can receive a memorable, necessary, cheerful, comic, souvenir gift from the AZMOL BP company.
Birthday is probably the most favorite holiday for most people. After

18:24 | 16.09.2020

A campaign for polite drivers from AZMOL BP is taking place in Berdyansk

By the Day of the motorist Azmol British Petrochemicals launched the "Polite Driver" campaign. We want to encourage and support all attentive drivers who always comply with traffic rules. All participants of the promotion receive a 10% discount on all AZMOL BP products in any combination.

17:46 | 16.09.2020

LABexpert international research center opened on the basis of AZMOL BP

"LABexpert" is a unique international research center for Ukraine, which was created by the world famous English chemist Terry Dicken. The laboratory center is located on the territory of the Ukrainian-British enterprise AZMOL BP in the city of Berdyansk and provides services not only to

10:51 | 10.09.2020

AZMOL BP announces photo contest “My beloved Berdyansk”

Within the framework of the social project "Favorite Corners of Berdyansk", AZMOL BP invites all schoolchildren of the city to take part in a photo competition dedicated to the monuments of history and culture of the city - "My beloved Berdyansk".
Photo contest "My beloved Berdyansk" is held among

16:53 | 09.09.2020

AZMOL BP conquers Ukraine: now on Oldie shelves

AZMOL BP is a European quality motor oil from a Ukrainian brand. The company provides Ukrainian motorists with premium-class lubricants at a favorable price by reducing logistics costs. More and more retail chains want to see AZMOL BP products in their assortment, now Oldie has joined them.

09:30 | 30.07.2020

AZMOL BP gladly accepted the guests

AZMOL BP is a Ukrainian-British company that produces lubricants of European quality. These is evidenced by the large number of approvals received from leading global car concerns, cooperation with the largest Ukrainian companies and, of course, export products to Europe and the world. The company

10:28 | 24.07.2020

AZMOL BP відновив роботу

Сьогодні, 15 червня 2020 року, підприємство AZMOL BP працює в штатному режимі. Завдяки роз'ясненням до Закону № 466-IX, які надала Податкова і Митна служби, найбільший український виробник мастильної продукції знову може купувати, зберігати і переробляти базові оливи.
Нагадаємо, з 23 травня 2020

19:03 | 15.06.2020

В «Интерфакс-Украина» 4 июня состоится пресс-конференция о последствиях введения акциза на масла

4 июня в 11:00 в пресс-центре информационного агентства «Интерфакс-Украина» состоится пресс-конференция «Закон 466-IX: производство смазочных материалов в Украине под угрозой остановки и исчезновения».
Участниками пресс-конференции станут:

директор по маркетингу ООО «Украинско-британское

21:27 | 03.06.2020

AZMOL BP lubricants for the food industry have been approved by NSF

AZMOL BP has reached a new level in the production of lubricants: the production line of AZMOL BP has been expanded with new high-quality products-lubricants and oils for use in the food industry. Foodline Alumina EP 1 and Foodline Alumina EP 2 have already received approval from the NSF. They are

15:47 | 30.04.2020

AZMOL BP obtained API license

We are proud to announce that AZMOL BP has been licensed API lubricant manufacturer since April 20, 2020. Also, AZMOL Famula M 15W-40 oil has received an API license.
For motor oil manufacturers, the most recognized test result for their products is the licensing of the API (American Petroleum

15:56 | 23.04.2020

AZMOL BP launched its own production of antiseptics

An enterprise specializing in the production of lubricants has launched its own antiseptic line. So promptly at AZMOL they reacted to a deficit of disinfectants in Ukraine in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.
First of all, AZMOL BP production antiseptics were received free of charge by all

14:22 | 15.04.2020


Representatives of the House of Culture "Neftekhimik", located next to the plant, appealed to the management of AZMOL BP with a request to create a playground in the park located between the plant and the house of culture. Given that the microdistrict in which the production facilities of the

11:29 | 30.03.2020

Dear partners of AZMOL BP!

In view of the current situation in Ukraine related to the Coronavirus Pandemic, we inform you that the mode of visiting the enterprise has been changed.
All contractors who enter the territory of the plant will undergo a procedure for measuring body temperature, and must also be in a mask. In

16:23 | 26.03.2020

AZMOL BP safeguards health and stability

Azmol company took all necessary measures to protect employees and prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. At the same time, another priority task of AZMOL BP is to prevent a stop in the production of lubricants so as not to let our customers and partners in such a difficult time.

12:22 | 26.03.2020

AZMOL will add 250 thousand hryvnias for consumption of Berdyansk medicine

The AZMOL British Petrochemicals enterprise was one of the first to respond to the appeal of MP Alexander Ponomarev to help Berdyans and doctors in the fight against coronavirus. The company has never stood aside from urban problems. And even more so today, at a difficult time for everyone,

18:15 | 18.03.2020

AZMOL 2020: Leadership Concepts in Every Segment

On February 19, the conference "AZMOL 2020: Leadership Concepts in Every Segment" was held in Kyiv, which highlighted the company's successes in 2019, strategic development plans for 2020. The conference participants and speakers paid much attention to the general state of affairs in the modern

17:50 | 24.02.2020

AZMOL BP – took part in AgroTechService

From February 11 to 13, the 19th AgroTechService 2020 exhibition was held in Zaporizhzhya. During the exhibition AZMOL BP team presented the lubricants, car cosmetics and car chemistry of their own production. Indeed, on the threshold of carrying out a complex of spring field work, farmers need to

09:30 | 14.02.2020

GKN Driveline International GmbH and AZMOL BP: first steps of cooperation

The world-famous concern GKN Driveline International GmbH, which manufactures hinges and develops automotive technologies, turned to AZMOL BP with a proposal for cooperation. In January, a meeting was held at which representatives of both companies discussed the details of further joint work.

18:18 | 30.01.2020

Kharkiv Tractor Plant now uses AZMOL BP coolant in its work

Azmol Delta Cuttana SM coolant has successfully passed production tests at Kharkiv Tractor Plant.

Azmol British Petrochemicals leading manufacturer of cutting fluids, once again confirmed the quality of its products during a 3-month extended production test at Kharkiv Tractor Plant.

In the

09:17 | 17.01.2020

AZMOL’s new product – Brake Caliper Grease

AZMOL Brake Caliper Grease is another novelty in the AZMOL BP lubricant line. It is designed to service the mechanisms of the brake system. The advanced formula provides reliable protection for metal, rubber and plastic parts. AZMOL Brake Caliper Grease is the result of a constructive collaboration

16:11 | 13.01.2020

2019 RESULTS: AZMOL-BP management run year meeting

20th of December 2019 in Berdyansk there were final meeting of management of all the structure subdivisions of AZMOL company. During the meeting all the results of 2019 was discussed, as well as aim and tasks for 2020. During the meeting technical director of company Mr. Terry Dicken announced new

17:52 | 27.12.2019


The best New Year's gift for AZMOL BP was the results of the All-Ukrainian Industry Analytical Center, which named AZMOL as the “Consumer Choice - 2019”. As a confirmation of the high trust of customers, the company received a prestigious award of the same name.
The All-Ukrainian Industrial

17:17 | 24.12.2019


According to the results of the study of the Ukrainian National Business Rating, AZMOL BP at the end of 2019 was recognized as one of the most effective Ukrainian companies in its industry. As a confirmation of it's high status, quality, reliability and efficiency of doing business company was

19:40 | 19.12.2019

AZMOL BP congratulated children on the holiday of St. Nicholas

For each child St. Nicholas Day is an expectation of charms and holidays. Оn this day children can feel the atmosphere of a miracle and receive a pleasant gift. Therefore, AZMOL BP could not stay away from this wonderful event.
Today St. Nicholas passed through employees of the enterprise Vladimir

17:20 | 19.12.2019

Advanced training of employees is the key to success of AZMOL

Corporate training aimed at increasing the level of professionalism of employees for AZMOL is a tradition confirmed by the high operating performance of the enterprise.
The practice of continuous training of AZMOL employees has shown that through training, the professional qualities of the team

15:10 | 10.12.2019

The delegation of the Canadian Embassy visited Azmol

Within the framework of the Canadian project “Promis”, one of the directions of which is the development of the industrial tourism program in Berdyansk, a delegation from Canada visited AZMOL. Acquaintance with the legend of the city - AZMOL, impressed the guests so much that they promised to

10:32 | 02.12.2019

UkrLandFarming PLC recommends Azmol motor oils

The flagship of the Ukrainian agricultural holding UkrLandFarming PLC now recommends three engine oils AZMOL British Petrochemicals juts at once. Testing procedures of Azmol oils in the agricultural sector lasted for almost two years. One of the participants in the Europe Trans Agro enterprise,

10:32 | 28.11.2019

A man who is ahead of time. Suren Stepanyants is Azmol’s legend

November 22 marks 40 years since Suren Avanesovich Stepanyants passed away. For 33 years, this outstanding man led the Berdyansk experimental oil and refinery plant, which now has the name Azmol. The inscription on the stele, installed in honor of Suren Avanesovich, reads: "A man who is ahead of

18:26 | 22.11.2019

Azmol visited by Georgian delegation

       With ever-increasing frequency, foreign delegations attendance Azmol on a working visit. On 20th November 2019, the company was visited by potential partners from Georgia. The guests were given a tour during which they get acquainted with Azmol British Petrochemicals Company, its

18:34 | 21.11.2019

Success Coordinator: Terry Dicken celebrates his birthday

Today, November 20, Terry Dicken, the technical director of the Ukrainian-British company Azmol British Petrochemicals, celebrates his birthday.
Azmol recently celebrated its 80th anniversary. But it was precisely with the advent of both investment and the tremendous experience and professionalism

18:33 | 20.11.2019

Azmol is unrivaled

Lubricating and cooling liquid “Azmol Delta Cuttana SM” passed industrial tests at PJSC "ILYICH IRON AND STEEL WORKS” and demonstrated the best result, outdistanced competitors in almost all parameters.

Azmol British Petrochemicals, the leading Ukrainian-British manufacturer of cutting fluids,

18:02 | 14.11.2019


Cummins has allowed Azmol Famula M 15W-40 engine oil to be used in diesel engines.
Approval of Azmol Famula M 15W-40 oil by Cummins which is a manufacturer of the most common heavy machinery engines. Oil Azmol Famula M 15W-40 has received an admission CES 20078 from the universally known

18:04 | 12.08.2019

Azmol picked the best cars on the country’s race drag racing

The roar of engines, the smell of fuel in the air and the crowd of spectators, who share the love of fast cars. A drag racing sprint race was held in Berdyansk with the support of Azmol-BP. The fastest cars of the country with famous pilots who competed for the prize fund of 150 000 UAH took part

11:42 | 16.07.2019

Azmol makes Berdyansk sports capital of the region

Danker international level Kroha, Nikkon and Dandy; the pride of Ukrainian Basketball - participant of the World Championship Maksim Zakurdaev, Ukrainian national team player Olga Yakovets, famous basketball player Irina Tsekova, as well as the best football players of the region! Celebrities

09:13 | 14.07.2019

Azmol congratulates on the Constitution Day of Ukraine!

Today, every Ukrainian has a wonderful holiday - Constitution Day!
Celebrate the day of the main legislative document of the country can only really developed and democratic society, because this is what guarantees us peace, order and tranquility. Azmol BP welcomes the whole country and wishes all

09:50 | 28.06.2019

Azmol British Petrochemicals поздравляет с Днем фермера!

Компания Азмол поздравляет всех аграриев с Днём фермера! Спасибо за Ваш труд, благодаря которому Украина славится своей фермерской продукцией даже на зарубежном рынке. Мы рады вносить свою лепту в качественное обслуживание сельскохозяйственной техники и помогать развитию аграрной отрасли.

16:33 | 19.06.2019

The “International Forum, “AZMOL-BP – effective lubricants for agricultural machinery and commercial vehicles” took place with the participation of Terry Dicken and partner companies from 11 countries

On May 30-31, a forum on lubricants " Berdyansk 2019, AZMOL-BP - effective lubricants for agricultural machinery and commercial vehicles"  was held. British co-owner Terry Dicken explained why he chose the Ukrainian Azmol plant for major investments. The event was attended by partners from 11

11:14 | 07.06.2019

Azmol became a member of the Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business

Advanced Ukrainian agricultural enterprises have recognized Azmol lubricants as the best choice for modern agricultural equipment. Our company has become a member of the UCAB - Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business. This is another partnership that Azmol is proud of.
The Ukrainian Agrarian Business

08:30 | 04.06.2019

“Azov Cup” of jeep sprint with the support of Azmol held on Berdyansk

The roar of the engine, excitement in the eyes of the public and adrenaline that going off the scale - with these words, you can briefly describe the race in the jeep sprint format, which took place near Berdyansk.. The competition was held in three categories - “Standart”, “Hard” and “Country

16:10 | 29.05.2019

AZMOL Famula LD 10W-40 engine oil has been approved by Volvo Group Trucks.

Long-term tests confirmed the high quality of the new AZMOL British Petrochemicals - AZMOL Famula LD 10W-40 motor oil and its compatibility with Volvo (VDS-3), Renault VI (RLD-2) and Mack (EO-N) engines.
Swedish Volvo, one of the world's leading manufacturers of heavy vehicles, recommends AZMOL

13:57 | 19.04.2019


The team “AZMOL CROSSFIT FAMILY” took the third place in the competition “Races of the Nation-2019”
Azmol British Petrochemicals congratulated Berdyansk team «Azmol Crossfit Family» - winners of the Race of the Nation-2019. The athletes showed an excellent result: for the first time a team from

21:44 | 27.02.2019

Metinvest substitute imported industrial oils with AZMOL

Metallurgists Metinvest form new market rules – optimization by using Azmol industrial oils.

For the first time in last several years, the volume of the metallurgy market in 2018 showed a positive trend, despite the fact that there were just few prerequisites for this. Reduced sales markets

10:29 | 27.02.2019

AZMOL team is a 2019 Futsal Champion of Berdyansk

According to the already well-established tradition, the football season in Berdyansk futsal championship opens precisely. This type of football causes tremendous interest in our city and collects full stands of fans. This is a kind of snowdrops in the football life of the city. Since January 14th,

12:30 | 25.02.2019

MEDIA: Azmol helps to eliminate the accident at the sewer

In the current situation, the staff of AZMOL British Petrochemicals could not stand aside and did everything possible to quickly eliminate the accident of the collector in Berdyansk, the plant's hometown.

Details in the comments of the publication Pro.Berdyansk.Biz were voiced by the deputy

10:17 | 04.02.2019

AZMOL BP’s conference in Azerbaijan and Georgia

At the end of the year, the AZMOL BP Innovative Lubricants Conference was held for partners and potential consumers of lubricants from Azerbaijan and Georgia.
The product range includes more than 200 items, these are oils for automobiles, motorcycles, transmission oils, industrial oils and

17:00 | 22.12.2018

A return to former glory

AZMOL British Petrochemicals in business media
The industry magazine Naphthenics Magazine №3/2018 have made a publication about long-term cooperation with NYNAS and AZMOL-BP plant’s modernization – key factors of our product’s quality.
“Because of the trends and demands in the lubricant industry,

09:40 | 11.12.2018

Azmol British Petrochemicals in the sectoral foreign media

AZMOL British Petrochemicals in European business media
The industry magazine Lubes'n'Greases EMEA (November 2018) have made a publication about AZMOL-BP’s restart, which was made possible by the investment and technological participation of the British investor Terry Dicken.
Lubes'n'Greases EMEA

10:10 | 04.12.2018

Round-table between AZMOL and BASF was held in Berdyansk

In November, a round table was held at the Azmol British Petrochemicals in Berdyansk with the participation of representatives of the BASF concern Alexey Zolotov and Yuri Efremov (a division of lubricants, base oils and components for coolant), representatives of SPECIMPORT LLC (distributor of the

09:00 | 28.11.2018

For the first time Rally of Off-Road Vehicles was held in Berdyansk

On November 24, off-road races took place near the estuaries of the Azov Sea. AZMOL British Petrochemicals, the general sponsor of the event, acted as a technical partner and presented valuable prizes to the winners.

In a two-kilometer obstacle course, 21 crews participated in all-wheel drive

17:55 | 24.11.2018

10 Anniversary International Forum “Lubricants. Berdyansk-2018”

From September 4 to 7, the 10th Anniversary International Forum "Lubricants. Berdyansk-2018 " was held on the basis of the Ukrainian-British joint venture AZMOL-British Petrochemicals. 160 delegates from 12 countries took part in the forum. The event was opened by the organizer of the forum, the

16:20 | 28.09.2018

AZMOL-BP motor oils are approved for use in Mercedes-Benz engines

As a result of fulfilling all the qualification requirements, AZMOL British Petrochemicals has received approval from DAIMLER for the use of engine oils in Mercedes-Benz engines.
So AZMOL 5W-40 Leader Plus, AZMOL 10W-40 Leader Plus and AZMOL 10W-40 Famula M oils as a result of complex tests and

10:03 | 26.07.2018

Cooperation of AZMOL with British companies

The history of cooperation between AZMOL and British companies has been on for more than a quarter of a century. It was 25 years ago at the facilities of AZMOL that the first tons of oil were produced under the legendary trade mark "Castrol", which belongs to the world famous oil company British

15:20 | 14.05.2018

1937 and 2017: 80 years – Indestructible and legendary

November 5, 1937, his first production - aviation gasoline - produced Berdyansk cracking plant. From this day the history of the plant "AZMOL" began to count down. What did not survive the company in the past 80 years: gray weekdays and bright holidays, the joy of victory and the bitterness of

09:48 | 12.11.2017


With the assistance of British engineering engineers "AZMOL-British Petrochemicals" a series of fully synthetic engine oils for the most modern engines of cars AZMOL Ultra Plus was developed.
This series includes high-tech, light-flowing synthetic motor oils of ultra-high viscosity with SAE

09:48 | 25.08.2017

British investor updates AZMOL production

British company Global Lubricants has completed the registration of investments in the Ukrainian plant AZMOL (AZMOL-BP). Under the leadership of the founder of Global Lubricants, Terry Dicken, the modernization of the Ukrainian enterprise will be carried out and a new line of motor oils developed

07:07 | 23.05.2017