
AZMOL BP launched its own production of antiseptics

14:22 | 15.04.2020

An enterprise specializing in the production of lubricants has launched its own antiseptic line. So promptly at AZMOL they reacted to a deficit of disinfectants in Ukraine in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

First of all, AZMOL BP production antiseptics were received free of charge by all medical institutions of the city of Berdyansk and the district: BTMO, Berdyansk Psychoneurological Dispensary, Berdyansk Tuberculosis Dispensary, Berdyansk Ambulance Station, a network of city outpatient clinics and an outpatient clinic in the village of Azov, a children's clinic and the Center for Social rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Also, all employees of the Azmol enterprise are provided with an antiseptic, and all residents of Berdyansk directly have the opportunity to purchase a scarce disinfector at a reduced price.

According to Vladimir Pivovarov, Deputy Director for Production of AZMOL BP, leading engineers, technologists, and the production sector of the enterprise, began to develop an antiseptic as soon as the situation with a lack of disinfectants in our country became clear:

“In view of the fact that professionals working at AZMOL are able to calculate and prepare an antiseptic, our people instantly wanted to help the city, region, country in this fight against the disease. The high-quality equipment of the company also contributed to the rapid launch of its production line. Along with its own production of protective masks, Azmol has joined and is already supplying such an antiseptic, both for sale and for charity”, - said Vladimir Pivovarov.

The prescription of an antiseptic agent fully complies with the requirements of the World Health Organization. The antiseptic AZMOL BP has received approval for use, has passed the sanitary and epidemiological examination and has all the necessary documentation authorizing the sale and use.

“The composition of the antiseptic AZMOL BP includes ethyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, glycerin to protect the skin and prepared water, it does not dry the skin, but at the same time completely cope with viruses and bacteria. The volume of production today is 12 cubes per day, we pack up cans of 5 liters, and bottles of 0.5 liters. We do not overestimate the price, because each Azmol employee believes that it is a crime to speculate on emergency goods during the period of the epidemic. Today, health workers are primarily provided free of charge, but we are ready to help everyone in need. The main thing is that everyone be healthy!” - noted process engineer Tatyana Galkina, responsible for the development and production of antiseptic agents AZMOL BP.

Recall, from the beginning of quarantine in Ukraine, AZMOL BP introduced special conditions for visiting the enterprise and takes all necessary protective measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus among its employees, partners and customers, as well as to keep production in such a difficult time for the country and the whole world.